First project when I got my 3D printer. A simple flatcar. Prints in two pieces, with the deck being separate from the frame. It was still early days for figuring out how to install coupler gearboxes and attaching trucks, so things were pretty barebones.
Eventually, I need to revisit that model and add some detail, along with holes for attaching the coupler gearboxes. Currently, I just put them into their slots and then use a pin vise to add 2mm holes to attach them with M2 screws.
This was my second piece of rolling stock that I modelled. Loosely based on a PRR design, like the flatcar. This is another one I need to revisit and add some detailing along with modernizing the coupler gearbox mount.
This is currently a work in progress. After seeing a schematic for the PRR NA cabin car I had to model it. It currently has some test prints and I'm still feeling my way through creating trucks for it.
This is partially a work in progress. I'm still not happy with the version I recently completed of this. Mainly the location of the coupler gearbox mounting holes and also the way the roof mounts on the body. Eventually I'll get around to working on this again.
This is currently a work in progress. Currently in the prototype stage of printing it efficiently and working out how to power it. I still have a lot of things to do until it's realized:
Initial draft with details.
The draft after it met reality and had to be modified to accomodate a motor and drivetrain of some sort.
The result is kind of rough, but it's essentially a rough draft (of many) before the final model.